well guys i made some c++ projects hope you will like them. You can mail me at the.reet@yahoo.com. You can also send me some suggestion on these projects or you can also ask me any questions related to C and C++ programming... To download click on the DOWNLOAD or you can also use the direct link and choose free download. I know it to much waiting but guys i guarantee this is worth waiting.
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I hope you love my c++ program well you can send me your suggestions and ask me any query about these projects. Just mail me at the.reet@yahoo.com .
Guessing Game is about deciphering the hiddden number which is randomly choosen by the computer. You have 5 chances to guess that nunber and along with it, program will keep on giving you hints about your status of guessing that number.http://www.mediafire.com/?1cfumqv3xf73yj2
flames game is about getting to know about the relationship with your crush. Tradition game in which you write your name and then your crush name and eliminate the common alphabets and then by using flames keyword you check your relationship. Awesome game for love seekers.DOWNLOAD or direct link
Tic-Tac-Toe is a game which i guess everyone of us had played. It's two player game in which one player choose X and the other one got 0 and the aim of the game is to align your sign in a line as the game proceeds turn by turn. The first one to make aligned line of the choose sign will win.DOWNLOAD or direct link
Diary program is like a personal diary in which you write your secrets and hide it from rest of the world. In addition to it you can also write your contacts here and that will save it in your hard disk and you see it whenever you like by opening the program. Password for the Diary program is reet.DOWNLOAD or direct link
Snake game is the most played game ever. And i think you are all familiar with the rules to play the game. In my program instead of whole snake body i prefer to choose only head (for a change) but otherwise all other rules are same. The game will be over if you hit with the wall. You will find a change in the food well download it and enjoy.DOWNLOAD or direct link
I hope you love my c++ program well you can send me your suggestions and ask me any query about these projects. Just mail me at the.reet@yahoo.com .